Thursday, March 27, 2008

Long Hiatus

Well there was a massive hiatus but we're going to start up the videos again.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Re-Doing Episode 1's voice overs

Well the title says it all. The voice overs for episode were... well terrible. So were redoing it but the updated episode might not be up for a few days.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Might Be A Slight Delay.......

Well, there might be a slight delay because Dylan is sick and might be going away for the weekend. This pretty well throws the dates in the last post back another week. But we might get lucky xD.


Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Contamination Episode 2 Production Notes

Here are the notes of what we've done and a little bit about the video.

-Script is done
-Filming Starts tomorrow
-Capturing Most Likely Starts Saturday
-Voice acting hopefully Saturday and Sunday.
-Projected Release Date: Monday, February 25th

-The video will be significantly longer than episode 1
-This video will make Episode 1 make sense
-The story will be a little more thick

That's Just a bit on the video and I hope it gets up on Monday, but hey if we're lucky it will be up by Sunday night.


Monday, February 18, 2008

Welcome to Last Resort Productions!

Well i just got the blog up now. Our first couple of Machinima's are in the works and should be released within the next couple of weeks. I'll post all updates here and hope to make some great machinima's!